Life Southern Wolves in the hunting grounds of Chortal-Palanco

Montería Alcornocosas
Life Southern Wolves in the hunting grounds of Alcornocosas, Montoro
21 December, 2018
Participación de Life Lobo en actividades Zoo de Jerez
Life Southern Wolves in the conference “Allied with Biodiversity” from the botanical zoo in Jerez de la Frontera
3 December, 2018

Life Southern Wolves in the hunting grounds of Chortal-Palanco

Montería Chortal-Palanco

Montería Chortal-Palanco

Live Southern Wolves visited the hunting grounds in Chortal-Palanco. There we gave an informative talk about the wolf and collected opinions about the species.

Montería Chortal-Palanco

Montería Chortal-Palanco

Montería Chortal-Palanco